International Graduate Students and Postdocs

As an international student or postdoc, you offer a unique perspective to your program of study and to your future place of employment. These resources, programming and career education content are designed to aid you in considering how your experience has shaped your professional identity. Additionally, you will find resources to connect with employment opportunities and the international advanced career community. 

International UT Alumni

Professional Development Resources


Career platform designed to address the professional and career development needs of international graduate students. This comprehensive and interactive career tool provides access to career resources, webinars, visa insight database, networking opportunities and self-assessments that can help you build a career plan to achieve your career goals.

Employment Opportunities for F-1 Students

Texas Global provides information on curricular practical training (CPT), pre and post-completion optional practical training (OPT), STEM optional practical training, on-campus employment, and economic hardship employment.

Employment Opportunities for J-1 Students

Texas Global provides information on on-campus employment and academic training.

Scholarships for First Generation and International students in STEAM

A curated list of fellowships and scholarships for graduate students entering into STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, or Math) fields. Curated by University of Michigan.

100K Mentor Program

100K Mentor Program connects professionals from companies across the country with international students and students from underrepresented backgrounds to act as virtual mentors.

Alliance for Graduate Education and Professoriate

Funded by the National Science Foundation, AGEP helps international, first generation, women, and disabled graduate students complete their degree and postdoctoral training in STEM.

Career Search Resources

Job Search for International Graduate Students

Learn more about preparing for the job search as an international scholar. This presentation goes through developing a job search strategy, understanding the U.S. hiring process, online resources and more.

Global Grad Careers Email List

The Global Grad Careers list is a career and professional development space for international graduate students, international postdocs, and domestic graduate students interested in career opportunities abroad.

Diversity in Higher Education

Job search focused on diversifying higher education.

Navigating Immigration Options after Graduation

Hear Jason Finkelman, Immigration Attorney, Finkelman Law, talk about immigration options. This presentation provides a general overview of immigration options for international graduate students post-graduation.

Job Search for International Graduate Students: Employment Authorization Information

This session introduces you to employment authorization expectations for F-1 and J-1 graduate students.

Network and Community Resources

UT International Students

Facebook Group created to connect international students from UT Austin.

Texas Global Events

Offers an array of events covering academic as well as sociocultural information and opportunities.