Graduate Students and Postdocs with Dependents

As a graduate student or postdoc with dependents, you offer a unique perspective to your program of study and to your future place of employment. These resources, programming and career education content are designed to aid you in considering how your experience has shaped your professional identity. Additionally, you will find resources to connect with employment opportunities and the international advanced career community. 

Professional Development Resources

100K Mentor Program

100K Mentor Program connects professionals from companies across the country with scholars with dependents, first generation students, and international students to act as virtual mentors.

Alliance for Graduate Education and Professoriate

Funded by the National Science Foundation, AGEP helps non-traditional, first generation, women, and disabled graduate students complete their degree and postdoctoral training in STEM.

Career Search Resources

In Her Sight

A platform for women to search, rate, and review companies based on their resources for mothers and commitment to gender equity and inclusion.

Network and Community Resources

UT Austin Student Parent Organization (Facebook Page)

The Student Parent Organization creates community, provides access to resources and advocates for parenting students at UT. 

Academic Mama (Facebook Group)

National support group for mothers in academia.


A networking organization of mothers in business. Provides a list of companies that support mothers and families.

Mothers in Science

Professional organization with testimonials, a mentorship program, and events.