As a first-generation graduate student or postdoc, you offer a unique perspective to your program of study and to your future place of employment. These resources, programming and career education content are designed to aid you in considering how your experience has shaped your professional identity. Additionally, you will find resources to connect with employment opportunities and the first-generation advanced career community.
First-Generation UT Alumni
Professional Development Resources
Effective Strategies in Self-Advocacy for First-Gen Students
Meet Letty Treviño, a first-gen advocate and Ph.D. student from UCLA. Review the presentation to learn more about self-advocacy and strategizing to get what you need as a first-gen student.
Rise First Resource List
A searchable list of over 1,200 programs and scholarships designed specifically to help first-generation students and professionals.
Scholarships for First-Generation and International Students in STEAM
A list of fellowships and scholarships for graduate students entering into STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, or Math) fields. Curated by University of Michigan.
100K Mentor Program
100K Mentor Program connects professionals from companies across the
country with first-generation students to act as virtual mentors.
Alliance for Graduate Education and Professoriate
Funded by the National Science Foundation, AGEP helps graduate students who are first-generation, disabled or women complete their degree and postdoctoral training in STEM.
Network and Community Resources
Building a Professional Network for First-Generation Graduate Students
Review this presentation by Annie Maxfield, director of the Office of Career and Life Design, to learn how to build and expand your professional network as a first-generation scholar.
Empowering First Generation College Students (Facebook group)
National networking group of first-generation students at every level of education, offering resources and community.
First-Generation Longhorns
UT’s first-generation campus community.