Interested in exploring careers? The Office of Career & Life Design has tools for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to help in their career exploration.
Consult privately with a career advisor, register for career design courses, access career exploration tools and career transition guides, view our Alumni@Work series and find out how to start your career in a new industry.
Career Advising
Consult privately with a career advisor who understands the unique needs of graduate students and postdocs. Advisors from the Office of Career & Life Design specialize in this area along with academic career navigation and management.
Courses & Resources
The Office of Career & Life Design offers several courses and resources for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, including career transition guides, the Uncovering Possibilities Podcast and more!
Alumni Profiles
Search alumni profiles by disciplinary background, industry and identity and watch their Alumni@Work videos to learn more about the type of work that advanced degree alumni pursue, the strategies they employ and how their typical days look.
Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars can participate in programs to learn about working in different industries, such as the Tech is for Everyone series.