Campus organizations provide opportunities for graduate students to develop professionally and explore their career interests as well as problem-solving and ethical decision-making frameworks.
Graduate Students will learn how to effectively:
- Develop self-awareness in interpersonal and team communication and collaboration
- Develop habits, behaviors and an understanding of the norms, industry best practices and standards that contribute to workplace success
- Identify, discuss and address ethical concerns within their discipline or industry
- Manage and address workplace conflicts
Workshops & Programs
Ethics Unwrapped
A series of videos related to behavioral ethics and their practical application in the workplace .
Good Systems
This program helps researchers stay abreast of emerging technologies (e.g. robotics, smart cities, AI) and their implications.
National Science Foundation Trainee Program on Ethical AI
Participate in this program to learn more on ethical AI.
Ombuds Office
Workshops from the Ombuds Office focus on restorative justice, navigating conflict, and having difficult conversations.
Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution
This office within Human Resources resolves conflict, repairs workplace relationships and improves communication so that employees can thrive personally and professionally.
Title IX Office
The Title IX Office offers training related to an employee’s responsibilities as a responsible employee as well as how to communicate boundaries in the workplace
Career and Life Design Events
The Office of Career and Life Design offers graduate-specific workshops on career-related topics including professional networking, developing an individual development plan, writing a resume and CV, interviewing and navigating the job search as well as employer events.
Responsible Conduct of Research
Develop leadership skills and chart your personal growth with CoachUT, an initiative created by Texas Leadership Education and Development.
Research Misconduct
UT Austin is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in all practices of proposing, performing, reviewing or reporting research.
Ethics Training
Ethical conduct and compliance are personal responsibilities, and each person should be accountable for his and her conduct and decision-making. All graduate students should review requirements for training and approvals that must be completed based on their research or their employment at the university.