Alumni Profiles
The University of Texas at Austin prepares advanced degree students and scholars for a wide range of career possibilities. Search these alumni profiles by disciplinary background, industry and identity and watch their short videos to learn more about the type of work that advanced degree alumni pursue, the strategies they employ and how their typical days look.
Frank Goodyear, Ph.D.
Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Ph.D. American Studies
Hannah Gourgey, Ph.D.
Independent Consultant
Organizations in Education and Workforce Systems Change
Ph.D. Rhetoric and Cultural Studies
Saurabh Gupta, M.S.
GPU Architect
M.S. ECE Engineering
Harsh Gugale, M.S.
GPU Modeling Architect
ARM Inc.
M.S. ECE Engineering
Andrea Hutson, Ph.D.
Agile Analytics
Ph.D. Developmental Psychology
Shannon Iverson, Ph.D.
Design Research Lead
Ph.D. Anthropology
Stephen Jannise, M.A.
Director of Programming
The Paramount Theatre
M.A. Media Studies
Charles Joukhadar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Mississippi
Ph.D. Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Isha Kanani, MSIS
Data Scientist
Pete Kunze, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication
Tulane University
Ph.D. Media Studies